Assault and domestic assault charges occur more frequently than many people think. Some occur as the result of an intense argument with a loved one or close friend, and some assault charges result because of misperception (perhaps an individual is intoxicated). Other charges may even result because a loved one got vindictive during an argument. Regardless of how the charges came about, they are usually frustrating, and working with the right assault charge lawyer or domestic assault charge lawyer can help alleviate any frustration, as well as potentially the charge.
The Lowry Law Firm has assault lawyers and domestic assault lawyers that know how to attack these cases in court. They focus not on whether you committed the crime, but whether the prosecutor can prove it. In addition, the firm’s assault attorneys know how to discuss these sensitive matters with their clients and make them feel comfortable by letting them know what to expect throughout their cases. If you are charged with or are a suspect for an assault charge or domestic assault charge, contact The Lowry Law Firm’s assault charge lawyers immediately.
The Lowry Law Firm’s assault charge and domestic assault charge attorneys handle these charges in the following counties and municipal courts:
4633 Yeager Road
Hillsboro, Missouri 63050
615 Collins Drive
Festus, Missouri 63028